50 Ways to use Salt in and around your Home

  • Freshen up cutting boards: Cutting boards can harbor food odors and stains, even after washing. Sprinkle salt on a damp cutting board and use a sponge or brush to scrub away the odors and stains. Rinse thoroughly, and your cutting board will be clean and ready for use.
  • Clean tarnished silverware: Silverware can lose its shine over time due to tarnish. Make a paste with equal parts of salt and baking soda, and add a little water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste to the tarnished silverware and polish with a soft cloth. The salt and baking soda work together to remove tarnish, leaving your silverware sparkling.
  • Keep milk fresh: If you’re concerned about milk going bad before you can use it all, add a pinch of salt to the carton or bottle. The salt helps inhibit bacterial growth, extending the milk’s shelf life.
  • Repel pests from plants: In addition to protecting against slugs and snails, salt can also deter other pests in the garden. Create a spray by mixing salt with water and apply it to plant leaves. The salty solution will repel insects and pests without harming the plants.
  • Clean wooden utensils: Wooden utensils, such as cutting boards, spoons, and spatulas, can absorb odors and develop stains. To clean them, scrub with salt and rinse thoroughly. The salt will remove stains and odors, keeping your wooden utensils in excellent condition.
  • Remove mildew from clothes: Mildew can form on clothes left damp for too long, especially in humid environments. To remove mildew stains, create a paste with equal parts of lemon juice and salt. Apply the paste to the mildewed fabric and let it dry in the sun. Once dry, wash the fabric as usual, and the mildew stains should be gone.
  • Prevent weeds from growing: Weeds growing between pavements and cracks can be unsightly. Sprinkle salt directly on the weeds to prevent their growth. However, be cautious not to apply salt near garden plants, as it can damage them.
  • Remove lipstick stains: Lipstick stains on fabric can be challenging to remove, but salt can be of help. Apply a mixture of salt and water to the stain and let it sit for a few minutes. Then, wash the fabric as usual to remove the lipstick marks.
  • Test egg freshness: If you’re unsure about the freshness of eggs, you can use salt to test them. Dissolve salt in water and place the egg in it. Fresh eggs will sink to the bottom, while older eggs will float. This simple test can help you determine whether an egg is still good to use or not.
  • Keep clothes vibrant: Washing colorful clothes can sometimes lead to color fading. To preserve the vibrancy of fabrics, add a pinch of salt to the wash. The salt helps set the colors, preventing them from bleeding or fading during the washing process.
  • Revive wicker furniture: Wicker furniture can collect dust and grime, making it lose its charm. To bring back its shine, scrub wicker with a brush dipped in warm, salty water. The saltwater solution will remove dirt and stains, leaving your wicker furniture looking refreshed.
  • Soothe insect bites: Insect bites can be irritating and itchy. To soothe the itchiness, mix salt with a little water to create a paste. Apply the paste to the insect bites for relief. The salt helps reduce inflammation and itchiness, making it a simple and natural remedy.
  • Clean flower pots: Flower pots can accumulate mineral deposits and mold, especially on the outer surfaces. Scrub the pots with saltwater to remove these stains and keep them clean and attractive.
  • Remove candle wax: Accidents can happen during candle-lit dinners or relaxing evenings. If candle wax spills on a surface, sprinkle salt over the wax. Let it sit for a few minutes, then scrape away the wax. The salt will help absorb the wax, making cleanup easier.
  • Clean fish tanks: Algae can build up on the glass of fish tanks, obstructing the view. To clean the algae, use salt as a scrub. The salt’s abrasive nature helps remove algae, providing your fish a clear view of their surroundings.
  • Enhance dishwasher performance: Dishwashers can develop residue and grime over time, affecting their performance. To clean and freshen up your dishwasher, pour a cup of salt into the bottom of an empty dishwasher. Run a cycle on the hottest setting to remove any built-up grime and residue.
  • Polish porcelain: Porcelain items, such as dishes and bathroom fixtures, can lose their shine over time. To polish them, mix salt with baking soda and water to create a gentle, non-abrasive cleaner. Apply the paste to the porcelain and scrub with a sponge or soft cloth. Rinse thoroughly to reveal their renewed shine.
  • Remove lipstick marks from glasses: Lipstick marks on glassware can be tricky to remove with regular washing. To eliminate these marks, rub the rim of the glass with a mixture of salt and vinegar. Wash the glass as usual, and the lipstick marks should be gone.
  • Improve fireplace cleaning: Fireplaces can accumulate soot and ash after use. To make cleaning easier, toss a handful of salt into the fire while it’s burning. The salt will reduce soot buildup, making fireplace cleaning less of a chore.
  • Clean wooden floors: Wooden floors can become dirty and stained over time. Create a cleaning solution by mixing salt with a mild soap or detergent. Use a mop to clean the wooden floors with the saltwater solution. The salt will help remove stains and grime without damaging the floor’s finish.
  • Revitalize dull carpets: Carpets can lose their luster and become dull due to dirt and debris accumulation. To revitalize them, sprinkle salt over the carpet and let it sit for about an hour. The salt will absorb dirt and odors. Afterward, vacuum thoroughly to remove the salt and dirt, leaving your carpet fresh and clean.
  • Clean flower bouquets: Flower bouquets can release substances that promote bacteria growth in the water. To keep your flowers fresh for a more extended period, add a pinch of salt to the vase water. The salt will help inhibit bacterial growth, prolonging the life of your flowers.
  • Remove stains from marble: Marble surfaces can be delicate and prone to stains. To remove stains, make a paste with salt and lemon juice. Apply the paste to the stained area and gently rub it in. Rinse thoroughly and repeat if necessary to remove the stain effectively.
  • Remove water stains from windows: Hard water stains on windows can be difficult to remove with regular cleaning solutions. To tackle these stains, rub the glass with a sponge dipped in saltwater. The saltwater will help remove the mineral deposits, leaving your windows streak-free and sparkling.
  • Keep patios and driveways weed-free: Weeds can grow in the cracks of patios and driveways, making the area look unkempt. To discourage weed growth, sprinkle salt directly on the weeds. However, be cautious not to apply salt on the plants in your garden, as it can damage them. This method can help keep the cracks weed-free and tidy.
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