All women should know these 7 tips about nails

Brown and hard, sun-dried, this clove bud is a spice with a spicy, warm flavor. For more than 2,000 years, cloves have been a spice used in Asia for its medicinal and culinary properties. It later arrived in Europe in the Middle Ages to become a product as famous as pepper.
Today, 95% of global clove production is used to make Indonesian cigarettes. The clove is a fragile tree that only bears fruit after the eighth year of existence. It rarely blooms because the flower buds are harvested before the petals appear. Then the crop is dried until the nails turn brown.
An infusion of clove helps combat various digestive problems, in particular stomach pain and bloating. To prepare it, infuse 4 or 5 cloves for about ten minutes in a large cup of boiling water.

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