Caries: causes and natural remedies

Regardless of our diet and our digestive system, we will always have a pH in our digestive tract which means that we have saliva that can fight germs, or acidic saliva which will represent an ideal breeding ground for all mouth diseases. Bacteria will therefore not be the direct cause of cavities.

Foods that can cause acidity

– Prepared and pre-cooked foods
– White sugar and foods containing it
– White flours
– Excess meat
– Cheeses
– Coffee

Cheeses are one of the foods that cause cavities.


A tooth, an organ

The majority of adults have 32 teeth. Each of these represents a vertebra in the spine, and each vertebra is connected to an organ or gland of great importance. So, if one of our teeth suffers from cavities, one of our organs will not function normally. The canines, for example, are connected to the liver and gallbladder. This means that a problem with these teeth will necessarily be felt in the organs mentioned.

The importance of calcium

Calcium is a fundamental mineral for strong teeth capable of fighting cavities. You can also take a Calcium-Fluoride homeopathic remedy which will help you better assimilate the calcium you consume.

A very simple natural remedy

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