How to Defrost Bread in 5 Minutes? Restaurant owners’ tip to keep it crispy.

And there you have it, your baguette is already defrosted 🙂

Quick and easy, right?

You must then eat it quickly so that it does not become very hard again.

For bread thicker than a baguette, you will need a little more time.

The best is to go in steps of 15 seconds and check each time if it is good.

This way you can be sure it is just right.

But we haven’t told you everything yet.

Do you know how to make it still crispy?

It’s simple.

As soon as you take it out of the microwave, put it in the toaster for 1 to 2 minutes.

And eat it immediately.

Crispy effect guaranteed!

Clever, isn’t it?

2. Use a simple pan on the stove

Two pieces of baguette in a pan

Don’t have a microwave?

For a quick and easy solution, there remains one last alternative.

Do you have a frying pan at home?

So, you have what you need to have hot, crusty bread in 2 minutes.

How to do

1. Heat the pan on the stove over medium heat.

2. Place your frozen slice in the pan.

3. Let it thaw for about a minute.

4. Flip the slice.

5. Continue defrosting for 1 min.

Result: hot and crispy toast in 2 minutes

continued on next page

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