How to use baking soda to get Rid of Belly, Arm, Thigh, and Back Fat

Home quarantine has made us all lazy. Since most of our time is spent staring at a laptop screen, our inactivity levels have increased dramatically. And constant gluttony only added cherries to the cake.
Our sedentary lifestyle and skewed dietary patterns have made us gain weight, especially belly fat. While losing weight from all other parts of the body is easy, losing belly fat isn’t just a picnic.
But there are always tricks and tips that, when added to a healthy eating and exercise regimen, can help you lose belly fat.

Today we tell you about such a simple drink, which can be easily prepared at home in no time and promises weight loss.
 The drink helps create a healthy alkaline metabolic environment, helps strengthen the immune system and improves your complexion.
++ Here’s how the drink works to lose weight :
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