Thanks to a simple trick, the bathroom stays clean: no more dirt, no more stains and no more bacteria

In fact, perfecting this cleaning does not mean using numerous chemicals, but above all carrying out a series of meticulous actions without neglecting any detail, from the bathtub to the floor of the room, including the wall tiles and all vertical surfaces.

However, let’s discover together the steps for perfect bathroom cleaning, similar to that of hotels… What joy!

What steps are needed to clean a bathroom?

Of all the rooms in the house, cleaning the bathroom is perhaps the least appreciated.

We understand that dealing with soap scum and dirt for weeks on end makes deep cleaning more difficult. That’s why here you will find some steps you can take to make this demanding task more pleasant and, above all, less painful. You will thus preserve the quality of your sanitary installations while saving time.

Here is the framework you need to follow to have a clean bathroom; :

  1. Declutter your bathroom by emptying it of all its contents, namely: cosmetic products, towels, rugs and all small objects lying around on the worktop;
  2. Take out trash and discarded packaging;
  3. Throw all washable clothes in the washing machine and add a little fabric softener to your towels, this will give them a fresh boost;
  4. Dust the corners with a feather duster and sweep up any residue on the floor. Focus on hidden corners.
  5. Treat the bathtub as well as the shower head, faucets and seals with a cleaner to remove limescale deposits. We recommend natural ingredients like white vinegar, baking soda or even lemon;
  6. Scrub the toilet thoroughly, focusing on the seat and bottom of the bowl.
  7. Make wall tiles shine, as grease from soap and shower products accumulates on them.
  8. Finally, attack the floor, paying particular attention to the tile joints;
  9. Clean and deodorize the pipes;
  10.  Perfume the bathroom.

How to properly clean bathroom wall tiles with white vinegar?

Continued on next page

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