What is the third compartment of the washing machine used for? Very useful but still ignored by everyone

Almost all washing machines have three compartments, but most people have no idea what function each of them performs. If you are curious to know in particular what the third compartment of the washing machine is used for, continue reading this article, we are sure that you too will finally start using it.

What is the third compartment of the washing machine used for?
Doing the washing machine is a very simple thing but not for everyone. Even though this extraordinary device is quite easy to use, it still hides secrets for many.

Detergent drawers, third compartment of the washing machine
Note the compartments also present in your appliance. Do you know what they are really used for? But above all, have you ever used the third compartment of the washing machine? In this article you will find out why you should start thinking about it: we are sure you will never go back.

First of all, the third compartment to which we refer is the one symbolized by the shape of a flower or a four-leaf clover. Well, what is this compartment for? It is intended for softener.

In this section you can add detergents or natural mixtures, for example white vinegar and baking soda, instead of the products you can buy in stores or supermarkets. Also use this third compartment and you will see that your laundry will be softer for a long time but above all more fragrant.

What functions do the other compartments perform? The one symbolized by the symbol “I” is intended for pre-washing and should not always be used but only when the laundry to be washed is particularly dirty.

It requires a large amount of water and is certainly not an environmental and ecological solution. You can also decide to use it without perhaps filling it with polluting detergents, for example you can pour white vinegar inside instead of detergent: this ingredient is an excellent descaler which will certainly do your machine good to wash.

All the “hidden” functions of the washing machine
Instead, the compartment marked with “ll” is the one intended for washing laundry to be used obviously in each washing machine carried out. It is no coincidence that washing machines are made up of these three compartments, but their incorrect use can lead not only to the breakage of your trusted appliance but also to damage your laundry.

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