8 Signs You Have Too Much Sugar in Your Blood

3. Your skin reacts
Some people are sensitive to the insulin spike linked to sugar intake, which can trigger a hormonal cascade that can lead to a skin reaction such as acne or rosacea. A sugar binge can cause signs on your face in just a few days.

4. You’re much more irritated
The excess blood sugar that occurs when you’re overexcited can cause mood swings and make you feel goosebumps. Not to mention, if you have spare energy, it only contributes to a bad attitude.

5. You’ve gained weight
Sugar contains no protein or fiber, it only triggers the release of insulin, a hormone that plays an important role in weight gain and diabetes. When we eat sugar, the pancreas releases insulin, which transports the sugar into our organs to be used as an energy source. When you consume sugar your body must produce more insulin, over time excessive production can lead to insulin resistance.
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