Putting a Clove of Garlic under your Pillow would have benefits on your Body!

The sulfur compounds of garlic and its concentration of zinc promote relaxation and help us fall asleep, in addition to renewing our energies to better face the day.

Garlic is a very ancient food that has been used as a  condiment in many dishes and as an active ingredient in hundreds of remedies. 

It is a close relative of the onion and although its smell is not the most pleasant, it is one of the most consumed by people around the world.

In ancient times, it was used as a condiment in dishes, as a disease repellent, and as an antidote to ward off demons.

If this is today considered superstition, there are still people who believe that garlic is used to fight against bad energies.

Either way, it is an ingredient rich in essential nutrients,  with multiple medicinal applications and a wide variety of health benefits. 

In this article we want to remind you of its main properties and an interesting therapy that can be  very useful for people who have sleep problems.

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The nutritional properties of garlic

garlic garlic

Garlic is characterized by its characteristic contribution of calories. It can contain up to 100 kcal every 100 grams.

However, since its consumption is often very light, it does not represent a problem for body weight.

In addition, it contains complex carbohydrates and proteins that  help improve physical and mental performance.

It provides B vitamins and essential minerals such as sodium, potassium and magnesium.

However, its main benefits are attributed to  its high concentration of sulfur compounds such as allicin.

The main benefits of garlic

Continued on next page

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