8 Signs You Have Too Much Sugar in Your Blood

Most people think that only diabetics have high blood sugar levels. Nevertheless, it is not the case ! Anyone can suffer from it and not notice the damage caused to the nerves, blood vessels as well as organs of the body. In order to prevent any complications, it is important to recognize worrying symptoms in time and take appropriate action. Here are 8 signs that you are eating too much sugar!

Natural sugar has never been a cause for concern. Rather, it is added sugar that comes from processed foods and drinks and is generally of little or no nutrition.

8 Signs You’re Eating Too Much Sugar
1. You constantly crave sweet foods
The more sugar you eat, the more you’ll crave it. It’s not just because your taste buds have adapted to sugar and you increasingly crave the same taste, but also because of the way sugar provides instant pleasure to the brain that disrupts brain chemistry. According to research published in the journal Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care, sugar is more addictive than cocaine.

2. You’re feeling lazy all day
Energy is more stable when blood sugar is stable. Therefore, when you consume too much sugar, the ups and downs in your blood sugar lead to ups and downs in energy. Eating a lot of sugar also means you’re likely not eating enough protein and fiber, two important nutrients for lasting energy.
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