How to Defrost Bread in 5 Minutes? Restaurant owners’ tip to keep it crispy.

Need to defrost bread quickly?

It’s true that it’s super practical when there’s no more at home.

Bread is a food that can be easily frozen .

But do you know the technique to keep it crispy?

Yes, there is no question of settling for a dry thawed piece!

My restaurateur friend, Fred, gave me his secret to defrosting it without it hardening.

Do you want to know these 5 quick and natural tips? Look, it’s quite simple:

crusty bread that was defrosted quickly with the microwave trick

1. Use the microwave to defrost bread

A baguette in a microwave oven

If you are in a hurry, all you have left is the microwave ( Samsung or another brand).

You will definitely save time.

And rest assured, all is not lost for a crispy baguette .

How to do

– Take a clean cloth.

– Moisten it.

– Wrap your wand in it.

– Put it in the oven.

– Set it to defrost position.

– Run it for 15 or 20 seconds.

– Repeat several times if necessary.

Result: bread defrosted in 15 seconds!

continued on next page

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