Is your kitchen all greasy? Learn how to remove it with some very simple tips

This method involves combining certain ingredients to clean the kitchen, such as   baking soda. However, not all kitchens are the same, nor are the materials.

Particularly when dealing with stainless steel surfaces, you need to know how to clean it. Also ceramic and iron stoves, among others, that many use.

Logically,  stainless steel kitchens and ceramic hobs must be cleaned very carefully  so as not to scratch the kitchen or it could even lose its shine if the right product is not used.

Above all, to avoid letting dirt become encrusted,  the recommendation is to keep it very clean simply with a cloth soaked in hot water and neutral soap.

  • Let’s not use a sponge to scrub or rub, we will surely scratch it.
  • A homemade solution is  to prepare with hot water, a neutral detergent and a tablespoon of baking soda  . It is mixed and then wiped with a cloth on the kitchen surface.
  • Another alternative is to use white or apple cider vinegar to apply  directly to the ceramic hob, simply pouring 2 tablespoons onto the stove and rubbing with a soft cloth.

How to clean a stainless steel kitchen

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