What is the third compartment of the washing machine used for? Very useful but still ignored by everyone

Have you ever thought about what the third compartment of the washing machine is for? It’s very useful but everyone always ignored it. Here’s why you should start thinking about it instead.

What is the third compartment of the washing machine used for? You will be surprised how you can use it. You too will start looking at your device with different eyes.

The washing machine, the essential household appliance in every home
Although the high price of energy is bringing down the economy and bringing Italian families to their knees, it is impossible to give up the use of certain household appliances and among those This is the washing machine that is essential to have in every home.

Washing machine
A device of extraordinary invention, it allows you to have clean laundry effortlessly and in a short time. What would you do without it? Although technology really favors us a lot by providing us with super modern and technological washing machines that really require minimum effort, not all of us can say that we know how to use this appliance perfectly.

The clearest proof? Many of us don’t know that our trusted device hides a third compartment. Have you ever noticed? But above all, do you know what it is for?

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